Framework of Digital Security Competences
This innovative competency framework provides an effective method to assess the skills and knowledge of senior citizens, across a standardised set of attributes. The framework builds on the DigComp 2.1 Framework which does not provide competences to explicitly address scams and digital threats which are used to steal people’s data and information online.
The framework defines the recommended digital security knowledge and skills for senior citizens to be able to independently protect themselves against digital security risks and will target senior citizens aged 55+. The framework may also be relevant to ICT teachers, trainers and educators involved in the technological upskilling and capacity building of senior citizens.
Benchmarking Tool for Digital Security Competences
The interactive benchmarking tool adds guidelines on how individuals can achieve the proficiency levels of the digital security competence framework. This includes a relatable example of the knowledge and skills at each level of the competence framework.
The benchmarking tool can be used by senior citizens to assess their level of digital security competency. The tool presents users’ competence rating as their ‘digital security competence certificate’. The certificate can be expanded to include additional framework competences as the user learns them.

Online Digital Security Board Game
This online game was developed as a digital version of a typical turn-based board game which allows two users to play against each other. The format involves players rolling dice, answering questions and making choices about digital safety and security.
Players are able to progress through the stages of the digital security competence framework proficiency levels through engaging gameplay which provides consequences in the game which are focused on real-life decisions and subsequent effects. The game mirrors real life, in a simulated environment, to allow the users to make wrong digital security decisions in a safe and secure environment.
Policy Recommendations
The Policy Recommendations was created as an evidence-based impact assessment report which presents feedback gathered from each of the piloting phases and stakeholder engagement activities, an analysis of the findings and give policy recommendations based on the assessed impact at local, regional, national and European level.
The report is a key resource used to maximise uptake of the project results by senior citizens by providing an evidence-based report on the projects achievements.